

We provide consultancy for best practise and implementation skills Xen Client installation and configuration.

Key areas covered included:

  • Installation & Documentation for Hyper-V Manager
  • Installation & Documentation for Citrix XenClient Synchronizer
  • Configure XenClient Sychronizer, Users, Policies and deployed desktop virtual machines
  • Installation of Citrix XenClient Enterprise Engine (desktop virtualization) and scripted automated deployment


We provide consultancy for best practise and implementation skills to upgrade current Citrix Presentation Server 4.5 farm to XenApp 6.5. Assist in the migration to the new Citrix farm

We can also act as part of your team to assist in the build of a new Citrix XenApp farm and resolving technical issue in the migration and deployment of over applications on to the new Citrix XenApp farm by :

  • Creating new group policy’s to control user and computer actions
  • Update images for the automated XenApp builds using Citrix Provisioning Server
  • Install & document Citrix XenServer hypervisor install

Other area’s we support

  • Configuration of Appsense Environment Manger for application licensing control
  • Troubleshooting issues with Wyse Device Manager 4.7.1 (WDM)
  • Deploying images to Wyse VX0 devices